Monday, October 25, 2010

Works Cited

Bear, Jacci Howard. “Blue.” 2010. The New York Times Company. 25 Sept, 2010 <>. 
“Cause for Fear: Sexual Apprehension in the Writings of Virginia Woolf.” UPenn. 3 Oct. 2010 <>.
“Characteristics.” Department of Horticultural Science. 3 Oct. 2010 <>.
“History and Meaning of the Yellow Rose.” ProFlowers. 2010. 4 Oct. 2010 <>. 
Lee, Hermione. “Virginia Woolf.” The New York Times. 1997. The New York Times Company. 3 Oct. 2010 <>.
Nicolson, Nigel. “Virginia Woolf.” The New York Times. 2000. The New York Times Company. 3 Oct. 2010 <>.
Snyder, Ed. “Death Depicted in Cemetary Symbolism - Part I.” Stone Angels. 2010. WordPress and Hybrid. 25 Sept. 2010 <>. 
Tompson, Richard S. "Woolf, Virginia." Great Britain: A Reference Guide from the Renaissance to the Present. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2003. Modern World History Online. 27 Sept 2010<
“Virginia Woolf.” Introduction to Comparative Literature. 2004. Colorado College. 3 Oct. 2010 <>.
Whitaker, Daved J., Rachael King, and David Knott. “Jellyfish.” Sea Science. 2006. South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. 4 Oct. 2010 <>.

Photo Credits:
"Abstract Smoke Art Tutorial." 101 Prints. 2010. 24 Oct. 2010 <>

"Embassy of the United States, Sofia Bulgaria - Earth Day (April 22, 2009)." Embassy of the United States, Sofia Bulgaria - Home. Web. 25 Oct. 2010 <>.

"How Much Astrological Influence Affects My Creative Visualization? | Learn Creative Visualization." Learn Creative Visualization | Visualize and Materialize. Web. 25 Oct. 2010 <>.

Jelly Fish. Web. 25 Oct. 2010 <>.

Johnson, Erin. "The Buzz: Making Waves on ScienceBlogs." Web log post. ScienceBlogs. 26 May 2009. Web. 24 Oct. 2010 <>.

"Monarch Butterfly Pictures." Web. 25 Oct. 2010 <>.

"Scottish Paintings by Scottish Artists." Scottish Paintings Art Gallery with Canvas Prints. Web. 25 Oct. 2010 <>.

"TLC Home "Caring for Roses"" TLC "Guides" Web. 25 Oct. 2010 <>.

"To from" Sending Flowers Online - Flower Shops, Florist, Flowers, Send Flowers, Red Rose Bouquet, Flower Delivery. Web. 25 Oct. 2010 <>.

Vaughan, Beth. "The Harper in Fairyland." Spirit of Trees. 24 Oct. 2010 <>

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